MindMap: Deep work
Focus key words: Deep Work <> Shallow work, Deliberate Practice, Productive Meditation, Performance, Attention Residue.
“Less is more.”
Created by Danh Miller
I used to be a multi-task person, and I thinked multi-task was great, it likes a smartphone with many features (and almost of them we don’t need, some bascic is enough). I want to do too many things at once, everthing is a little bit. But then I realized that I can’t quick master anything until I read this book “Deep Work”, and then I deep in Cal Newport universal.
After all, I made a tough decision “Cut off social media, practice deep work”. I set up my room clear, and nothing inside distract me (2022). I like to use a smartphone without sim, but I usually put it away when I lock myself in room. I also love the minimalist lifestyle and millennials, everything I need must be fit in 1 packback and that’s all.
Put it down don’t be on your phone while being a deep worker
Put it down. You might do something dumb and being distracted
We all agree, here today, that deep work is more value
I’ll take the pledge
(Relying on the song “Put it down” of South park)
I usually wake up at 2:30 am to study, because at this time, the environmnet is so quite and I can establish good concentration.
My best friend gave me an advice, and I think it rights: “Focus on 1 thing instead zillion things, and deep into it”.
I lost my time in the past -> I chosed Everyman sleep to have more time cultivate again Deep work, deep writing
I don’t need technology to schedue my daily life. I love writing down paper my to do list and writing by my hand, it’s more helpfful for me beacause: Everything you write down, it’s easy to remember than typing; With my hand I will improve my writing skill and I can draw to illustrate.